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12:59 a.m. - Monday, Nov. 03, 2003
Halloween 2003!
We had our annual Halloween party last Friday night. Despite the cold weather (freezing rain & icy roads) it was a success! Some lightweights didn�t want to venture out and it was their loss.

Of course there had to be some drama. Well my friend Darren told Valerie (who works for me) that I partake in a little 420 now and then (which I neither admit nor deny). Well, next thing I know she�s like asking me if I want to smoke some bud cuz she knows someone (who she brought along and I wasn�t impressed in the least) who has some! Of course I flatly refused. Apparently Darren was pulling a little prank on me. Shame on YOU D.!

My friends Alex and Jane were in attendance, along with the above mentioned. Ken & Maggie come late because Ken had to work until 11pm. Pam and Char (our close �couples� friends & neighbors) were there. Numerous friends of Mz. Cher West from Neiman�s were there. It was definitely an �A-List� party! All in all probably about 20 of our friends were there. I�ll get the pics scanned and posted on my site within a couple of days (or weeks) or so.


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